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Primary Care Network

Primary Care Networks

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are the new way for GP practices to work together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices, to treat populations of around 30,000 to 50,000 people. With the support of NHS England, PCNs will help practices in England to achieve the ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, for improved standards of care across the country to benefit patients.

Our team of clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can support GP practices and PCNs, to deliver the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) contract specifications. We can support with medicines strategy development, additional professional staff capacity, analysis and interpretation of prescribing data to support locally identified priorities, improve QOF & local DES achievement, improve patient medicines safety, and provide training for PCN teams.

We offer a bespoke service for PCNs including:

  • Expert supervision and monitoring including: mentoring, coaching and leadership in line with NHS England guidance
  • Specialised clinical pharmaceutical support including senior pharmacist oversight, line management, work plan development and clinical governance
  • Strategic planning: delivery support for GP contracts, CQC standards, clinical audits and safety reviews
    • Our pharmacy team will ensure you have safer prescribing systems, principles of shared decision-making are embedded and there is a focus on high risk patients.
  • Networking and learning including clinical peer support, intervention recording and access to the Medicines Safety Assurance Tool (MSAT)
  • Workforce recruitment support: pharmacist/pharmacy technician recruitment and induction planning
  • Training Programme: bespoke training plans and annual Personal Development Plans
  • Workforce Solutions: we can provide end-to-end PCN Clinical Pharmacist services, additional capacity and project support
    • Pharmacists will undertake structured medication reviews to help patients get the best outcomes from their medicines, considering all aspects of their health.
  • End-to-end Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician support

We have years of experience in working within primary care and understand how pharmacists and technicians can best support PCNs, patients, and the NHS. Find out more about how MLCSU can support your PCN Pharmacy team via our brochure and case studies. The publications section of our website contains relevant case studies where you can access shared learning, for example on improving medicines optimisation in care home patients.

To discuss your challenges and bespoke requirements, please contact us.